For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16
Redemptive Use of the Internet
Tap and Denise currently help their son Brian in Alhuey serving as Pastor Emeritus. Tap also is developing an on-line ministry via the internet to plant churches in South Asia (India, Pakistán, Nepal and Myanmar) mentoring faithful national pastors in their church planting efforts.
Take a peek to get a front-row seat to see what the Lord is doing in Sinaloa and South Asia!
Iglesia Bautista Betel
We have been serving since 1996 in northwest Mexico along the Gulf of California in Sinaloa. Our mission is to spread the gospel, serve our community, and build strong disciples for Christ in the region.
Partners in Ministry
We are working with faithful pastors and evangelists in India, Pakistan, Nepal, & Myanmar helping them to train other faithful men to help plant indigenous Baptist churches in this most needy area of the world.
Eternity is a place where all are destined to go someday.
Wouldn’t you like to know for sure what is going to happen to your soul when you die?
● If I insult you or shame you, you would feel offended immediately.
● But if I deceived you…you may never find out.
● The tragedy is that many go to the grave deceived about their relationship with God.
This is very critical because eternity is a very long time to be wrong!
Acts 1:8: " shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Our focus is on the Redemptive Use of the Internet, leveraging technology to share the Gospel and inspire others.Our aim is to expand the local outreach for the Gospel by leveraging the unique opportunity of the “Redemptive Use of the Internet” to mentor dedicated servants in South Asia.
Through Redeeming the Time, we strive to make every moment count for a greater purpose. And with an unwavering dedication to Reaching the Lost, we aim to bring hope and transformation to lives around the world.
Or send check to MGMI indicating donation is for Tap Hornor.
MGM International
Phoenix, AZ 85005
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